2023 Open Enrollment is live, enroll today!

Where can I find my plan documents?

You can find your Taro plan documents, like your schedule of benefits or your evidence of coverage, when you're logged in to your member dashboard.

You can also find all plan documents for all Taro plans on our resource and Forms pages. This page has all the fine details needed to understand your policy, so you can be confident that you have all the information you need about your policy. Click the link below for your state's plan documents:

Maine Plan Documents: https://www.tarohealth.com/maine/members/resources

Oklahoma Plan Documents: https://www.tarohealth.com/oklahoma/members/resources

Need a personalized confirmation of coverage document? We've got you covered. Email support@tarohealth.com and we will send you a letter with all the details needed to verify your coverage.

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